Tired of copy/pasting data into spreadsheets?

Automate KPI import directly into spreadsheets! Spend more time Analyzing Data that matters to you!

No credit card required


+60k users use KPIBees to pull

Databases Websites APIs Marketing data CRMs

to Google Sheets

Never Import data manually again

Connect Data Sources

1-click connection to your favorite tools ranging from database to marketing tools.

Create Your Queries

Select a spreadsheet cell and create a query from your data source with the desired fields.

Schedule Refresh

Automate query refresh and receive email and slack notifications when it happens.

Pull your database data

Connect your database to spreadsheets and write SQL directly in the spreadsheet!

Web Scrape data from websites

Keep spreadsheets in sync with data from websites. Retrieve tables, XPaths and more!

Web Scrape data from websites

Keep spreadsheets in sync with data from websites. Retrieve tables, XPaths and more!

Pull your marketing data

Create reports from your Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Youtube and a lot more!

Pull data from your APIs

JSON/XML/CSV, we got you covered! Your data finally in a spreadsheet!

Pull data from your APIs

JSON/XML/CSV, we got you covered! Your data finally in a spreadsheet!

Check out our available Integrations


Google PageSpeed


“Very helpful add-on, integrates well with postgreSQL, barely any configuration needed to get going. Was able to write custom SQL queries and pull tables from our DB within minutes, saved so much time and useful for keeping spreadsheets up to date. Support is also very timely in responses and helpful!”

A User of KPIBees | Import API, MySQL, Google Analytics


“I was looking for a way to pull inventory data from a dealership xml into google sheets and this worked perfectly! The team is top-notch and respond VERY quickly to any questions or issues. I highly recommend this add on”

Gold Gorilla Media


“I’ve worked with other Spreadsheet enablement for Database connections and this one has exactly the features I was looking for and is super-easy to use.Getting started I had one small hitch that was sorted out quickly by the KPIBees support team who were very responsive (the problem was due to my lack of knowledge about server connections and they helped me to clear that up).”

A User of KPIBees | Import API, MySQL, Google Analytics


Amazing tool! As a web agency,
we are really glad to use KPIBees as it allows us to import data from
multiple sources in Google Sheets where we create various reports and
charts that our clients need.

A User of KPIBees | Import API, MySQL, Google Analytics
