Looking for a Supermetries alternatives?

Save 90% with KPIBees
Supermetrics Alternative Google Sheet Add-on

KPIBees makes it easy to pull your company data to spreadsheets, and we’re focused on making sure that you get all your reports done the way you want them! So if you’re looking for an alternative to Supermetrics, you’ve come to the right place! Thousands of companies and freelancers use KPIBees to automate their reporting! And it’s 100% free to get started!

Thinking about switching from Supermetrics to KPIBees?

Here are 4 points to consider:

01. Is the Supermatrics pricing really worth it?

Here’s a core difference between KPIBees and Supermetrics – it’s 90% less expensive! What if you can save your agency or company thousands of dollars every single month just by switching to KPIBees?

Even more, unlike Supermetrics, the FREE package of KPIBees includes all integrations. Within a certain monthly usage limit that resets every month, you can use any integration! Only pay if you’re a power-user!

Supermetrics vs KPIBees Cost Comparison

02. Does Supermetrics provide the best user experience?

We like to think that KPIBees offers a much better user experience than Supermetrics. As a new user starting the journey with Supermetrics, creating your first query and getting the gist of it can be a rather lengthy process..

KPIBees offers a smooth start with tutorials on how to get data in the spreadsheet for every integration! There’s really no guessing. What’s more is that you also get a granular view on all your created queries!

Supermetrics Alternative features

03. Do you need to refresh your queries more often?

A lot of times your data gets updated on an hourly or daily basis. And with Supermetrics you find yourself opening your spreadsheet and seeing outdated data. We get you, we’re frenzically checking out stats ourselves. Your data needs to always be up to date!

Supermetrics refresh times comparison

04. Do you support all the integrations that Supermetrics provides?

To be honest, we don’t. We’re just a lot younger, but we have the proper motivation to connect as many tools as possible. Most integrations that we don’t support can still be achieved with the JSON integration and the API of that particular tool. If you’re in need of an integration that we don’t provide at moment, please head over to the chat and talk to us about it, and make sure to vote for it here.

Supermetrics Alternative Google Sheet Add-on

Let our Bees do the work for you!
It's 100% free to get started

Amazing tool! As a web agency, we are really glad to use KPIBees as it allows us to import data from multiple sources in Google Sheets where we create various reports and charts that our clients need.

Peter Azzopardi from AnalyticsHelp.io